What young people can do to look after their own mental health


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Today the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families launched its self-care web page containing eighty-five mental health self-care activities for young people. The self-care resource was developed by the Common Room and young people from the mental health support group Hearts & Minds.

Young people report that when they are struggling with their mental health they are usually told to see a professional. They don’t often get much advice about how they could help themselves. So, the Centre spoke with professionals and looked at academic research and then drew up a list of strategies that might help.

The Centre is sharing these strategies with young people to help them manage their well-being. It’s up to them to decide what helps. If something works, keep doing it. If it doesn’t, stop and try something else. And young people are invited to help the Centre understand what works best by clicking on the ‘Did this activity help your mental well-being’ button on each page or completing a quick, anonymous self-care survey.

The Centre stresses that these activities are not a substitute for seeing a mental health professional. Sometimes a young person needs outside help and advice. Getting help is good. No-one should feel bad about it.