AANDC’s “Recognized Institutions”


By our reckoning, Canada identified (at some point, at least) a total of 146 institutions as Indian Residential Schools under the IRSSA:

  • The original IRSSA listed 131 Indian Residential Schools
  • Canada agreed to add 6 institutions under Article 12
  • Courts ordered Canada to add 4 institutions under Article 12
  • Canada added 5 institutions to one or more of its updated maps and lists of “Recognized Institutions”:
    1. Red Deer, Alberta
    2. Sarcee, Alberta
    3. St. Barnabas, Saskatchewan
    4. Norway House, Manitoba
    5. Wikwemikong, Ontario

    We are publishing these 146 institutions as they appeared in the original IRSSA and in the AANDC’s updates of “Recognized Institutions” under Article 12, as a machine-readable, Tab-Separated-Value file, with these data fields:

    Field Definition
    PREFERRED_NAME Preferred name
    IRSSA_200709 1=Included in the original September 2007 IRSSA
    AANDC_200905 1=Included in the AANDC’s May 2009 map of “Recognized Institutions”
    AANDC_201205 1=Included in the AANDC’s May 2012 map of “Recognized Institutions”
    AANDC_201209 1=Included in the AANDC’s September 2012 map of “Recognized Institutions”


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. If you use this work, please credit Paul Allen, paul@hartallen.com.