CO 384/13 Second Emigration to Canada 1825




CO 384/13 Second Emigration to Canada 1825 Microfilm Cover
CO 384/13 Second Emigration to Canada 1825 Microfilm Cover
CO 384/13 Second Emigration to Canada 1825 Original cover page
CO 384/13 Second Emigration to Canada 1825 Original cover page



{f 3R}

Mr. Robinson
May 22, 1824 Reasons for delaying emigration till next Spring & arrangements to be made. Enclosed letter to Major Hillier directing grant of 200 acres to James Dandon?
December 16, 1824 Enclosed memo on subject of emigration. Arrangements necessary to be made.

Letters to Mr. Robinson from:
Lord Mountcashell
Captain Hoare
Mr. Becher
Lord Doneraile
Lord Kingston

Memo by Mr. Robinson of provisions & stores.

January X, 1825 Cost of provisions etc. Emigration of 1823 average £22.1.6 per head, that of 1825 may be reckoned at £21 per head.

Account of dispersal of £15,000 voted in 1823.

Names of persons to whom he has pledged to take out 1600 emigrants.

{f 4L}

January 20, 1825 List of articles required for emigrants in 1825.
February 10, 1825 Enclosed letter from Mr. Reade recommends him for appointment of Surgeon to attend the emigrants.
March 2, 1825 Is still possible to take out David Long & family if desired.
March 4, 1825 That Mr. Adelle’s proposals are not considered by the Navy Board sufficiently x?
March 7, 1825 Enclosed list & estimate by Mr. Reade of medicines required for use of emigrants.
March 18, 1825 Returns Mr. Carew’s letter & states that his application is not too late but that the persons received by him are not of the description the emigration was intended to relieve.
March 21, 1825 Requests instructions where the accounts of money extended by him are to be sent; expedient that he should be put in communication with the head of each department.

{f 4R}


April 4, 1825 Reminds Mr. Horton that no money arrangements have yet been made.
April 5, 1825 Inconvenience arising from want of funds.
April 6, 1825 Transcription: extract of letter from his brother showing contentment of the settlers.
April 12, 1825 [sic] ?? Return of 214 emigrants embarked on board the Star.
April 12, 1825 Arrival at Mitchelstown & desire of persons to emigrate.
April 29, 1825 Records application of Captain Roberts on behalf of Jeremiah Dyer’s family.
April 30, 1825 ??: rest?? of instructions also letters to officers in command at Cork.

Enclosed application from Lord Dudby?? in favor of 4 persons desirous to emigrate.

May 4, 1825 States anxiety of people to emigrate, ?? lists of applications from Kilworth & Doneraile.


CO 384/13 ff 75-80

Emigration of 1825

Papers shewing the anxiety of people to avail themselves of the Offer of Emigration.

A – Mr. Robinson’s Letter of 4 May 1825 describing this with lists of applicatants annexed from Kilworth & Doneraile.

B – Mr. Robinson’s Letter of 13 May on the same subject with list of applicants at Newmarket.

C – Mr. Robinson’s Letter 8 May enclosing abstracts of the Returns of Irish Emigrants shipped at Cork on board four Ships – 1043 in number with certificates of Mayor of Cork & Sir Anthony Perrier as to the selection being according to instructions.

These certificates are enclosed in a paper describing them more particularly & marked K.

D – A newspaper containing some remarks upon the appearance of the Emigrants embarked & Mr. Robinson’s Letter asking what further certificates he should obtain.

Also a newspaper explaining the misconception in the other number.

E – Mr. Robinson’s letters 14 & 18 May explaining the p/ations??? taken to prevent imposition at the time of embarkation – and the form of certificates given to the emigrant at the time of his acceptance –

Also returns in detail of the settlers in the last five ships – together with certificates of the Magistrates of the County and City of Cork as to the selection – expressing their perfect approbation.

F – Mr. Robinson’s letter 23d May reporting the completion of the embarkation & that Sir Anthony Perrier and another Magistrate had inspected the ships.

G – Mr. Robinson’s letter of 31 of May in answer to various questions of Mr. Wilmot Horton and his letter accompanying his answer.

NB The different papers referred to in Mr. Robinson’s answers will be found marked & tied up in bundles C & D.

H – List of the people taken from Lord Kingston’s Estate & certificate of the Magistrates.

I – Letter of Mr. Robinson, dated London May 31 with enclosure.

J – Mr. Robinson’s letter dated London 31st May on the … by landholders ??? to the expense of any future Emigration.

[Annotation: put into Panel V]

CO 384/13 ff 80-111

Peter Robinson to R. Wilmot Horton
Cork 4th May 1825


I have the honor to enclose you two lists of the names of people who came forward at Kilworth and Doneraile, soliciting to be sent to Canada as settlers, and I shall in a few days send you others – altho’ these form but a very small portion of the number of applicant they will nonetheless serve to give an idea of the effect provided by the experiment made in 1823, on the minds of the poor of this country, and their extreme anxiety to emigrate.

In these lists you will observe how very small a portion I selected, and yet I could not have taken more without doing injustice to the candidates in other places.

Those who were rejected were in general very clamorous, and I never had a more unpleasant duty to perform than that of making the selection – however I have always had in view His Lordship’s instructions and I trust that the people I have chosen will be found to be such as they embrace.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your most obedient servant

P. Robinson

{Two distinct lists attached}

CO 384/13 f 111

{Not included in the Table of Contents}

[Received May 11, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq M.P.


7th May 1825

I have the honor to enclose you an address signed by the most respectable gentlemen in this vicinity, and transmitted to me by Alderman Newsom.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your obedient servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 f 113

{Not included in the Table of Contents}

[Received May 11, 1825]

John Geo. Newsom to Peter Robinson

Passage West
6 May 1825


I have the honor to transmit you the address which was unanimously agreed to by a … meeting of the Gentlemen of this Barony (Kerrycurrihy) held at … last Monday, to which as Chairman… I beg leave to request your earliest attention. I have the honor to be


Your most obedient humble servant

John Geo. Newsom

CO 384/13 ff 115-116

{Not included in the Table of Contents}

[Received May 11, 1825]

Magistrates, Clergy & Principal Inhabitants to Peter Robinson

Passage West
2 May 1825


We the undersigned Magistrates, Clergy and principal Inhabitants of the Parishes of Passage, Monkstown, Shanbally, Barnahely and Carrigaline in the Barony of Kerrycurrihy, beg leave to call your humane attention to the alarming states of our numerous labouring classes in these extremely poor and populous parishes.

We have tried various expedients by voluntary contributors and through the aid of collections at charity sermons to mitigate the distress which so awfully exists in this part of the County of Cork, and in the vicinity of the City on the verge of the harbour.

Various cause have arisen to create this peculiar distress, especially the number of idle hands who congregated from all parts and who were thrown out of employment by the stoppage of the great works on the fortifications of Spike Island and the completion of the naval ordnance works at the Haulbowline & Rocky Islands.

Superadded to this there are nearly two thousand acres of land unleased, untilled in a great measure and consequently unproductive close to the town of Passage and the village of Monkstown.

Poverty induced fever, fever numerous deaths of heads of families, which have thrown numbers of widows and orphans on the bounty of the benevolent, who feel in this neighbourhood the evils of absenteeship.

You have sir reduced what was deemed theory in 1823 to practise through your skill, ability and zeal; and your knowledge of Canada, you have removed the prejudices which ignorance produced against emigration to that Colony, by the successful experiment already tried.—

We are of opinion that about one hundred heads of families in this Barony would gladly avail themselves of the bounty of Parliament to proceed under your direction to the proposed locations. We therefore hope that you will be pleased to take measures to relieve this district from a portion of our unfortunate population who have no honest means of existence in the absence of productive employment.

We have the honour to be Sir

Your most obedient servant

{Signed by many}

CO 384/13 ff 117-119

[Received May 12, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R. Wilmot Horton Esq., MP

Cork, 8th May 1825

I have the honor to enclose you an abstract of the Returns of the Irish emigrants embarked on board of the Fortitude, Resolution, Albion & Brunswick transports, amounting in all to 1,043 individuals – These four ships will be ready for sea tomorrow – The Returns in detail specifying the age, occupation & late residence of each individual with remarks, shall be immediately made out and forwarded to the Colonial Office – They are voluminous & require much of my personal attention to keep them correct and I am now preparing a copy to send by each ship for the use of the person who may be appointed by His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland to receive the settlers in Upper Canada during my absence. I yesterday made an application to the Mayor of this City and Sir Anthony Perrier to beg that they would visit the ships I have named previous to their receiving orders to sail, and they have agreed to accompany me tomorrow morning – It is my intention to lay before them your instructions to me & then to call over the settlers on board of each ship in their presence, that they may have an opportunity of judging of the description of persons I have selected, and I trust the evidence they will give will remove any impression you may have as to my receiving improper persons, and will I hope satisfy the Public that I have discharged a very labour responsible and unpleasant duty correctly –

I have the honor to be

Your obedient servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 ff 119-121

[Received May 12, 1825]

Cork, 7th May 1825

Settlers mustered on board of the Fortitude, Resolution, Albion and Brunswick, The 5th and 6th May 1825.

Fortitude Thomas Mills Master
Mr. Francis Connin R. N. Surgeon
61 Men
48 Women
Males above 14 89
— under 14 56
Females above 14 75
— under 14 62
Total 282


Resolution Anthony Ward Master
Mr. G. H. Reade Surgeon
40 Men
38 Women
Males above 14 61
— under 14 61
Females above 14 58
— under 14 47
Total 227


Albion John Mills Master
Mr. John Thomson R. N. Surgeon
37 Men
31 Women
Males above 14 56
— under 14 39
Females above 14 52
— under 14 44
Total 191


Brunswick Robert Blake Master
Mr. John Tarn R. N. Surgeon
63 Men
58 Women
Males above 14 108
— under 14 76
Females above 14 92
— under 14 67
Total 343


Fortitude 282
Resolution 227
Albion 191
Brunswick 343
Total 1,043

Cork, 7th May 1825

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 ff 121-122

{Not included in the Table of Contents}

May 9, 1825

[Received May 16, 1825]

Certificate of the Magistrates attending the Petty Sessions at Cecilstown, County of Cork.

We hereby certify that on Mr. Robinson’s arrival in this country in the year 1823 the people of our neighbourhood were disinclined to accompany him to Canada, appearing to doubt the advantages held out by the Government to persons willing to emigrate to that country being realized on their arrival; and it was with great difficulty, the Gentlemen in whom they had confidence, could induce them to believe that no deception was intended. That since that time their minds have undergone a total change, in consequence as we conceive of the favourable accounts that have been received from the settlers of 1823 and that on Mr. Robinson’s recent arrival in this County the applications were so very numerous that it became a matter of great difficulty to make a selection from amongst them; claims and qualifications being so nearly balanced. That no persons however were approved of, but such as were recommended by the written or personal applications of the respectable gentlemen from whose neighbourhood they came, and were of the description we understood from Mr. Robinson it was the intention of the Government to prefer, such as the inhabitants of the disturbed Districts, and farmers, and others in reduced circumstances, unable to obtain an honest livelyhood at home or to pay their passage to Canada.

Given under our hands at Cecilstown the 9th of May 1825,

John Morrison, Chairman
John Chester, Clk?
Philip Townsend, Clk?

CO 384/13 ff 123-126

[Received May 15, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R. Wilmot Horton Esq., MP

Cork, 11th May 1825

I have the honor to transmit to you for the information of the Right Honorable Earl Bathurst, returns of the Irish emigrants embarked on board of the Fortitude, Resolution, Albion & Brunswick transports for passage to Quebec, as they were mustered by me in presence of the Captains & Surgeons of each ship on the 5th & 6th instant – and to state that in consequence of seeing a paragraph in the Cork Constitution of the 7th Inst. implying that the persons on board of these ships “bore the exterior appearance at least of having been exempted from that distress which their removal from the Country was intended to remedy” and consequently not the description of people the vote of Parliament for the Encouragement of emigration from the South of Ireland to Canada was intended to relieve – I felt it to be my duty to lay before some official gentlemen unconnected with the Government, His Lordship’s instructions to me and then to show them the individuals I had selected.

Accordingly I applied to the Worshipful the Mayor of Cork and Sir Anthony Perrier to request that they would accompany me on board of the ships Fortitude, Resolution, Albion & Brunswick then lying at Cove ready for sea and by a minute investigation ascertain how far the settlers on board of these ships corresponded with the description of persons I was instructed by His Lordship to take – which they readily agreed to, and on 7th Inst. these gentlemen, the Agent for Transports [Mr. Lewis] & myself inspected the settlers in each ship, when it did not appear that any individuals whose circumstances would admit of paying for their own passage were among their number – But as this assurance will be made in form by the gentlemen who were kind enough to accompany me I shall refer His Lordship to their report on the subject – which I shall have the honor to transmit by the mail tomorrow –

I beg further to add that the ships I have mentioned sailed yesterday –

I have the honor to be

Your most obedient servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 ff 159-160.

[Received May 17, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq, M. P.

May 11, 1825

Dear Sir

I am so completely occupied every moment of my time that I cannot write to you as I wish on the various subject you have ??? before me – however I am jotting this and shall be able to give you more regular accounts of my proceedings in future.

You will find the paragrah alluded to in my letter of this day and one equally xxxed in the enclosed papers. – I am now preparing the papers for the Star, and have the Capt. & Surgeon at my elbow waiting for them.

I am dear Sir

Your obedient servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 ff 161-163

[Received May 17, 1825]

Cork Constitution, May 7, 1825

CO 384/13 ff 163-165

[Received May 17, 1825]

Cork Constitution, May 10, 1825

{P. Robinson’s annotation re: the newspaper’s claim that “In general, the superintendent Mr. Robinson, has supplied them with clothing, &c.” – “I have never supplied any person with an article of clothing in this country.”}

CO 384/13 ff 165-167

[Received May 16?, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq, M. P.

May 12, 1825


I beg leave to transmit to your for the information of the Rt. Honorable Earl Bathurst, the certificate of the Mayor of Cork and Sir Athony Perrier who at my request accompanied me on board of the Fortitude, Resolution, Albion & Brunswick transport then lying at Cove with 1043 Irish emigrants on board for the purpose of making a minute enquiry into the description of persons I had selected as settlers to be sent to Canada at the expense of the Government, and of ascertaining whether there were any among the number whose circumstances admitted of their paying their own passage to Quebec – Before I allowed these vessels to sail I felt anxious to have the opinion of official persons unconnected with the Government as to the class of people I had selected – that I might furnish My Lord Bathurst with sufficient witness to convince His Lordship that I had acted in conformity to his instructions. – I also enclose the certificate of the Magistrate of the Petty Sessions at Cecilstown County of Cork where I selected from a very numerous body of applicants two hundred persons. –

I beg further to state that the Star transport sailed this day.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your obedient humble servant.

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 f 167

We the undersigned certify that at the request of Peter Robinson Esq. we did on Monday the 9th inst. repair on board the Ships Fortitude, Resolution, Albion and Brunswick engaged to carry Emigrants from this Port to Canada, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the Passengers embarked thereon, amounting to upwards of one thousand persons, were of the description pointed out in the Instructions given by the Government to Mr. Robinson, we had previously seen. And we certify, that after a very close and personal inspection of every individual passenger in said four Ships, we are convinced, that such instructions have been in every respect strictly complied with; and that the passengers appear to us to be of that class only, which it is the object of Government to encourage to emigrate.

Dated at Cork this 11th day of May 1825.

John N. Wrixon, Mayor of Cork

Anthony Perrier, Magistrate of the County & City of Cork


CO 384/13 ff 169-170

[Received May 16, 1825]

Dear Sir

I send you the Cork Constitution, a paper I am led to think not altogether friendly to the emigration. The certificates I have enclosed today I hope may prove satisfactory to His Lordship. – I shall be extremely obliged to you if you will let me know by the return of post, if the returns I have forwarded are sufficiently explicit or if you require any further evidence of the class of people I have selected being the proper description.

It is also desirable that I should know previously to my leaving Ireland which other documents you require from the Magistracy of the Country or if any more.

I am Dear Sir

Your obedient servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 ff 171-172

[Received May 16, 1825]

Cork Constitution, May 12, 1825.


CO 384/13 ff 173-181

[Received May 17, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq., M. P.

Cork, 13th May 1825

Dear Sir

I enclose you a list of the families who gave in their names to Mr. Aldworth at Newmarket as wishing to emigrate to Canada, by which you will see that they amount to 631 families and 3,656 individuals, them with few execeptions are Catholic and live on the borders of Kerry and in the neighbourhood of Newmarket.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 ff 182-183


Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq., M. P.


14th May 1825

Dear Sir

After all the emigrants are embarked I should wish to proceed to New York with as little delay as possible, as there is some chance of being delayed by calm weather at this season?? in the Gulph of the St. Lawrence and it is very desirable that I should have two or three days in Town previous to my sailing from Liverpool to arrange my money concerns. – Will you pleae to favor me with a few lines by the return of post today if you approve of my going to America by one of the Liverpool packets. – And also whether you have any objections to my going to London for the purpose I have mentioned.

I shall be able to send the last ship off by the 21st inst.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

{PS} I have had no letter to Admiral Plumpton.} ???


CO 384/13 ff 184-191

[Received May 18, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton, Esq., M. P.


14th May 1825

Dear Sir

I yesterday mustered the settlers on board of the Amity & Regulus transports, and I shall have them ready for sea tomorrow.

The plan I adopted when I came over to Ireland to make the selection was to give to each man a certificate (copy enclosed) on the day I ??? him, the duplicate of which I kept, and this has proven to be a much better mode than keeping a register of their names in a book, and has enabled me at once to check any attempt at imposition.

In a few instances persons holding those certificates have sold them to poor creatures very anxious to emigrate whose families nearly corresponded as to age with their own, but in no one instance, I am convinced, have they succeeded in deceiving me. – As soon as the Surgeon reports to me that he has received his complement of emigrants, I go on board of the ship and have them all brought on deck, the hatches are then closed except one, and in the presence of the Surgeon & Master, I take the original certificates, which have been given up by the head of each family to the Surgeon at the tie of his embarking & call over the names of the members of the differnet families, passing the individuals down between decks as they answer to their names. – At this examination I carefully inquire into the ages of each, and if I have reason to believe that any imposition has been practised, and that a child has been put down in the certificate older than his appearance leads me to suppose he is, I then with the advice of the Surgeon make such alteration as I think proper. – And it is from these certificates corrected in the manner I have mentioned that I make the returns I forward to the Colonial Office.

In these I have inserted the age, occupation and late residence of the parties and the names of the principal noblemen and gentlemen recommending them, besides the ??? of these gentlemen I have also certificaes from the Parish Priests and others living in the more immediate neighbourhood. – I feel myself called upon, to give my reasons for accepting in some instances men over 45. This responsibility I should not have assumed had I not felt convinced that by doing so I was forwarding the success of the scheme of emigration, by receiving a person of better character and of more intelligence than the generality of the settlers, and who by his example and knowledge of agricultural pursuits might be expected to improve those settled near him. – And of this description there are many in the Country unemployed and wretchedly poor. – By a reference to the different returns it will appear that the number selected by me over 45 are but few, and that these have fine families of grown children capable at once of being useful. – The men above 45 expect no grant of land but merely their passage & one years provisions – and I have been careful to explain to them at the time that they could have no allotment of land from the Government. –

My great anxiety to make such a selection as would form a settlement in Canada as might give credit to this second experiment, has led me to exceed the strict sense of My Lord Bathurst’s instructions as to age, when I felt justified, by the individuals being poor, intelligent farmers, and men of good character. – I beg further to remark that I feel responsible for the success of the settlement ultimately, and exceedingly anxious to take such a description of people as will best ensure it.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

{Blank ticket of passage attached. Hand-written annotation: “Upon presenting this to the Master of the steam packet City of Cork the emigrant is received by him with his effects & taken along side of the transport. PR”}


CO 384/13 ff 192-195

[Received May 21, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq., M. P.


17th May 1825


I have the honor to transmit to you for the information of Earl Bathurst, a return furnished me by the Earl of Kingston’s agent Mr. Montgomery, of the names of the heads of families I received at Mitchelstown as settlers for Canada from off of His Lordship’s estates.

I also enclose you a certificate from the magistrates & clergymen of the same place, expressive of their opinion as to the description of people I selected.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your most obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

{List of names on one page. Hand-written annotation: “Received at Cork 17th May 1825 – PR.

61 Heads of families amounting to 400 individuals.- PR}

CO 384/13 f 196

[Received May 21, 1825]

Peter Robinson Esq., Conway’s Hotel, Pxxx Georges Street, Cork

We the undersigned Clergymen and Magistrates hereby certify that the above named persons who have been selected by Mr. Robinson from the neighbourhood and Mitchelstown and from the borders of the counties of Cork, Limerick, and Tipperary, are persons totally unable to pay for their own passage to America and come within the description of persons deemed fit subjects for emigration to Canada, being persons without employment and generally bred to agriculture, and who have lately been dispossessed of their lands. – We also beg to add that our best thanks are justly due to Mr. Robinson for his unremitting attention to the selection of proper persons for emigration and his willingness at all times to attend to the suggestinos of the Gentlemen in the neighbourhood.

Robert Disney, Priest

Harry Disney, Curate

John Lord, Chaplain, Kingston College

Thos. Montgomery, J. P. Co. Cork

Wm. Q. Montgomery, Clk, J.P. Co Cork

?? Johnson, J.P. Co Cork


CO 384/13 ff 197-216

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq., M. P.


18th May 1825


I have the honor to transmit to you for the information of Earl Bathurst returns of the Irish settlers embarked on board of the Amity, Regulus & Elizabeth transports for passage to Quebec.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

{Ships lists and summaries attached}


CO 384/13 ff 217-218

[Received May 27, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq MP


23rd May 1825


I have the honor to acquaint you for the information of Earl Bathurst that I have completed the embarkation of the Irish settlers on board of the transports engaged by the Navy Board for their conveyance to Quebec. The enclosed abstract exhibits the whole number embarked, amount to 2,024. I also transmit a return of the individuals shipped on board of the John Barry, the last transport that arrived at Cove, she has now her sailing orders & will proceed to sea immediately. At my request Horace Townsend Esq. & Sir Anthony Perrier visited the Amity, Elizabeth, Regulus and John Barry for the purpose of inspecting the settlers and I send you their report.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 ff 219-224

[Received May 27, 1825]

Ship list for John Barry.

Return of applications, selections, rejections from Lord Mountcashel at Kilworth and Lord Doneraile at Doneraile [f 224 – see two extensive lists sent previously]

Returns of Emigrants [Received May 27, 1825] – by ship [ff 226-228]

[Received May 27, 1825] Receipt from Master Roche, John Barry, May 21, 1825 f 230

Certification [Received May 27, 1825] f 228

We certify that having at the request of Peter Robinson Esquire visited on Monday the 16th of May inst. the ships Amity, Elizabeth, Regulus and John Barry about to proceed with emigrants from this port to Canada and carefully examined every individual passenger, we are fully of opinion that they are the description of persons who ought to be encouraged to emigrate & who appear to be in the contemplation of Government for that purpose.

We observed a few elderly people on board accompanied by large families of well grown children to whom we conceive they will be very useful in the new settlement on account of their superior experience & knowledge of agricultural pursuits.

Cork, 17th May 1825

Horace Townsend, Justice of Peace, Co Cork

Anthony Perrier, Justice of Peace, County & City of Cork


CO 384/13 ff 232-236

[Received June 3, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq MP


31st May 1825


Having from time to time while I remained in Ireland transmitted to you accounts of my proceedings in superintending the selection and embarkation of the emigrants with all such documents as were necessary to give full information upon the several points, I have little left to communicate to you before my departure for Canada, where it is necessary I should be to provide for the settlement of the emigrants upon their arrival and the questions you have now proposed to me in your letter of the 28th Instant having listed almost everything that can be material upon the subject, I need scarcely trouble you with any further reports upon the general conduct of the measure.

I have received information that in consequence of Lord Bathursts’s former letter to Sir Peregrine Maitland a depot of provisions has been already formed & townships are appropriated for the settlement of the emigrants in that part of the province which Sir Peregrine Maitland considered it most desirable to assign to them and which it appears to me will suit at once the convenience of the emigrants and but promote the settlement of the country.

Taking it for granted that a communication in the terms you formerly mentioned has been made by Lord Bathurst or by yourself to the Lieutenant Governor Sir Francis Burton and Sir Peregrine Maitland upon the subject of the emigration this year, I have written to Mr. Montizambert Assistant Civil Secretary in Lower Canada, begging him to move His Excellency Sir Francis Burton for the adoption of such ships as I took the liberty of suggesting for the forwarding & supplying of the emigrants to Prescott until they should be taken charge of there by such official persons as His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland should think fit to appoint for that purpose, previous to my arrival. I take the liberty of enclosing copies of three letters and of my instructions to the Surgeon of each ship.

I have much pleasure in reporting that the emigrants were found by the Surgeons in charge of them after their embarkation disposed to adopt readily every regulation recommended for their comfort and so far as my best efforts aided by the most respectable gentelmen of the country could ensure that object I ahve the satisfaction to believe that from their former occupations & the character given of them, they are of that description of persons whose arrival in Upper Canada will form in all respects a valuable addition to the loyal & industrious population of that colony, altho’ a temporary description of circumstances had rendered their support difficult in their own country.

In reference to suggestions which you have communicated to me that the District of Gaspe in Lower Canada would provide room for the reception of many thousands of emigrants from Ireland, I think many considerations conceive? to favor their adoption.

The country is easily accessible and the climate and the soil good I am told sufficiently good to admit of the comfortable support of a very numerous population.

I must however add that much inconvenience would be felt from attempting to conduct emigration to several quarters at once, from the same country, but as a measure to be adopted at a different time upon such system as His Excellency the Governor General would point out I see no reason to doubt its success and should anticipate the most useful results to Lower Canada.

I have the honour to be Sir

Your most obedient humble servant

P. Robinson


CO 384/13 f 237

[First letter mentioned above. Received June 3, 1825]

Peter Robinson to “Col. Marshall or person appointed by His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland to take charge of the Irish Emigrants as their arrival in Upper Canada.”


7th May 1825


I beg to enclose you a return of the Irish Emigrant Settlers now embarked on board of the Transport _____ Master and Mr. ______ R. N. Surgeon, in charge, for passage to Quebec, from whence they are to be sent to Upper Canada and placed on land at the expence of His Majesty’s Government. You will please to obtain from the respective heads of families as noted in the margin of the return, triplicate receipts of all provisions and stores that may be issued to them and it is particularly desirable that these should be taken weekly.

I am Sir

Your most obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 f 238-240

[Second letter mentioned above, Received June 3, 1825]

Peter Robinson to L. Montizambert, Assistant Civil Secretary, Lower Canada


9th May 1825


I have the honor to acquaint you, for the information of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, that I have embarked on board of the ______ Transport for passage to Quebec ________ Master and ________ R. N. Surgeon in charge, Irish Emigrants viz.

____ Males above 14


____ Females above 14



These are to be sent to Upper Canada and placed on land at the expence of His Majesty’s Government.

His Excellency, I trust, has received instructions from Earl Bathurst on this subject and is prepared to give orders for their conveyance to Prescott in the same manner as the settlers under my superintendence were forwarded in 1823.

An officer of the Commissariat will be required to proceed to Prescott and remain with the Emigrants until my arrival to make the necessary arrangements for the regular issue of provisions and to take proper vouchers for the subsistence furnished them. Will you therefore please to move His Excellency to appoint a proper person for this service.

The Surgeon of the ______ has directions from the Navy Board to transfer to me all the provisions, medicines, stores and bedding remaining on hand at the end of the voyage for the use of the settlers and he is also to accompany them as far as Prescott.

I have the honor to be Sir

Your most obedient humble servant

P. Robinson

CO 384/13 f 241-242

[Third and final letter mentioned above. Received June 3, 1825]

Instructions given to the Surgeon of each Transport employed to convey the Irish Emigrants to Quebec, May 1825.

The Surgeon of the ______ will on his arrival at Quebec, report himself to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and to the Quarter Master General and will furnish them with a return of the numbers and ages of the Irish Emigrants now embarked on board of the ______ for passage to Quebec, and he will receive their instructions as to the conveyance of the settlers to Prescott. The Settlers are not to be landed at Quebec unless by the order of the Lieutenant Governor. A few heads of families might be allowed to go on shore for a short time but not to absent themselves from the ship all night.

Lachine situated nine miles above Montreal will be found to be the best place to stop at for four or five days to recruit the Emigrants after their voyage. There, boats will be furnished them and guides to proceed to Prescott and I strongly recommend the Surgeon in charge to perform this part of the journey leisurely and not to allow the Canadian Boatmen to hurry the Settlers up the River as they will be inclined to do. At Prescott the Surgeon will given in charge whatever stores he may have in his possession to Col. Marshall or the person appointed by His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland to receive the Settlers on their arrival in Canada.


CO 384/13 ff 243-259


31st May 1825


I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 28th instant containing various questions to which you desire answers from me, and for greater convenience I have transcribed your inquiries and have endeavoured to reply satisfactorily in the opposite column.

If I have misapprehended any of your inquiries, or if any further information is required than I have afforded, I shall lose no time in answering any subsequent reference. – It is necessary however that I should leave Town on Saturday next [June 4th] to proceed to Canada.

1st You will state the number of persons embarked, distinguishing men, women, and children, and the relative numbers of each

The number of Emigrants embarked this year is 2024, the proportions of Men, Women, & Children are as follows:

385 Men

325 Women

267 Male children above 14

459 Male children under 14

199 Female children above 14

389 Female children under 14

Total 2,024

2nd You will state distinctly whether your selection was founded exclusively on the principles laid down in the instructions of Lord Bathurst.

I have endeavoured to conform in all respects strictly to the instructions I have from time to time received from Lord Bathurst and if I have in any instance deviated from them, it has only been in cases, and for reasons, which I was conscious would in his Lordship’s judgment warrant the departure in that particular instance, but I wish to be understood as stating explicitly that notwithstanding the many difficulties which presented themselves in making the selections so as not to disappoint the reasonable expectations of many who were zealously anxious for the success of the measure, I did most certainly confine myself, so far as was practicable, to the principles laid down in the instructions of Lord Bathurst, and am fully prepared to account for any individual exception which, in the exercise of my discretion I have found it necessary to make.

3rd You will state what proportion of the individuals whom you have selected were of the class of small farmers, ejected from the occupation of land on the termination of Leases or any other account.

Of the 306 heads of families embarked 123 were reduced farmers recently dispossessed of land which they had occupied, and of the remainder many were farmers, and the greater number were in possession of small pieces of land, but all were from various causes unable to support themselves and families, as was distinctly proved to me by evidence which I could not reasonably question.

4th You will state distinctly whether any of the settlers who embarked were provided with the means of supporting themselves in Ireland.

In stating distinctly that none of those embarked were provided with the means of supporting themselves in Ireland, I have no better assurance of my correctness than that I exacted the most satisfactory evidence of this fact before I would receive the emigrant, that at all times, up the latest moment, I afforded every opportunity to others to convince themselves that in this respect the instructions of the Government had been strictly fulfilled and invited such investigation by persons unknown to me and unconnected with the Government, who might have detected imposition if any had been practiced upon me. – The result has afforded me no reason to doubt but that the precautions I have used were successful in guarding against any abuse of the bounty of Government. –

I annex the papers in one or two instances as examples of the proof upon which I am prepared to show the character and situation of the emigrants accepted by me.

Marked A, B, C, D, E.

5. You will particularize the names of persons in the neighbourhood of Cork who had opportunities of personal observation & examination, with respect to your principle of selecting emigrants, & to the measure generally, that reference may be made to them in case of its being deemed necessary.

Before the transports sailed, I requested the Mayor of Cork, Wm. Drixon, Sir Anthony Perrier, Horace Townsend, Esq., Gerrard Callaghan, Esq. & the Agent for Transports Mr. Lewis, to accompany me on board and assist me in detecting any imposition which might have been practiced upon me, in order that even at that late period, the object of any such imposition might be defeated. –

The result was the most unqualified approbation by these gentlemen, of the selection which had been made. — I will add that I was induced the rather to apply to Mr. Townsend and Mr. Callaghan to do me the favor of making this investigation from an impression I had received that they had an unfavourable opinion of the mode of selection and particularly imagined that the recommendations of Lords Doneraile, Mountcashell, Mr. Becher and others had been confined to their own tenantry. —

I had previously the satisfaction of having the propriety of my selection confirmed by the testimony of the different Magistrates who had been present on several occasions, which I have already transmitted to you. – and should perhaps not have felt it necessary to request the subsequent inspection of the whole, by the Major & other gentlemen I have mentioned, but from observing an insinuation in the Cork Constitution of the 7th inst. [May] that some of the emigrants “bore the exterior appearance at least of having been exempted from that distress which their removal from this Country is intended to remedy” and from the conviction that in selecting two thousand from perhaps not less than fifty thousand applicants, the disappointed expectations of so many who were respectably recommended might in the natural course of things subject me to the undeserved imputation of partiality which it was necessary to be prepared to refute —

In reference to the paragraph cited from the newspaper above mentioned it is proper to remark that subsequent inquiry induced the editor in his next paper to qualify his observation and that apparent reason might have been afforded for it by the circumstance that the benevolence of many of the Gentlemen of the country being extended to some of the poor emigrants in whom they took a particular interest, supplied them with clothing and other necessaries which gave them the appearance of comfort that excited observation. – The documents refered to in this answer are marked F, G, H, I.

6. You will state whether you perceived any increased disposition towards the measure of emigration, with reference to its policy, among the higher and middle classes in the South of Ireland.

6th. I can best answer this inquiry by stating that while in Ireland this year I received letters from many Noblemen & Gentlemen of consideration & property discovering much anxiety to avail themselves of the benefits which they expected the proposed measure for emigration would extend to them.

With some the wish to contribute to the happiness of the poor people themselves was perhaps the prevailing inducement, and with all it was most probably the concurring motive – but the opinion expressed to me by persons of different ranks and professions as to the favourable influence it would have in Ireland, is quite too strong to admit of a doubt in my mind that the measure is generally regarded by the Landholders in the Country as politic – I do not feel that I am taking an improper liberty in saying that I conceive I am fully authorized in delivering this opinion by the sentiments which have been expressed to me in writing & verbally by Lords Lismore, Rosse ??raven, Bantry, Audley, Clarina?, Shannon, the Bishop of Limerick, Mr. Smith Barry and others, from whom the emigration in 1823 received no particular countenance.

To this I would add that from the continued support of Lords Kingston, Ennismore, Donereile, Mount Cashell, Mr. Becher, Mr. Jephson, Mr. Aldworth, Capt. Roberts and other Gentlemen after their experience of the effects of the last emigration, I cannot but infer their conviction of its favourable influence upon the parts of the Country in which they reside.

I annex a paper marked No. 1 which may servy very satisfactorily to show the character ascribed to this measure of the Government and the relief expected from it by a very respectable number of individuals of the County of Cork – By contrasting this paper with the note marked K, which accompanies it in which the conduct of Mr. Jones the Catholic Priest at Mallow is very truly stated you will perceive clearly in how different a light the measure is now viewed after the experience of the former emigration.

7. You will state also whether an increased desire to emigrate appears to exist among the lower classes.

7th. Most certainly – The applications to me were numerous beyond all means of compliance. Of many of these Lord Bathurst has knowledge and no better confirmation need be given of the increased desire to emigrate than that representations I am aware of have been made, complaining of an imagined preference given by me to persons inhabiting a particular District as a grievous disappointment.

The fact that an earnest wish exists among the poor people to avail themselves of this offer of the Government is too notorious in Ireland to require proof, but I annex several papers marked

L, M

which bear on this point. Some of these having been addressed to Lord Bathurst were referred to me to act upon according to my instruction.

8. What proportion did the applications on the part of persons desirous to emigrate to Canada, bear to the number of those you have actually embarked.

8th. I do not believe that I accepted one in twenty of those who applied to go, and I could not venture to set any limits to the number that would have embarked if the means had been afforded.

9. As you have had access to the Public documents in this office received from Canada of the date of February 1825 with respect to the situation of the settlers of 1823 you will state whether you have received any private accounts which enable you to report more accurately on that subject.

9th. I have neither received letters from any of the settlers of 1823 containing information of a different nature from those which I have seen in the Colonial office of the date of February 1825 nor do I know of any such having been received from Canada – all speak in general terms of the improved circumstances, and contentment of the settlers, with the exception of those few single men who misconducted themselves after their arrival and have subsequently withdrawn from the settlement.

10. Are you distinctly of the opinion that no further sum will be called for on account of the emigrants of 1823 than that which has already been appropriated for the purpose of this emigration which (as appears from the evidence given before the Committee on the state of Ireland amounted to ₤22-1-6 per head.

10. I am of opinion that no further sum will be called for on account of the emigrants of 1823 than that which has already been estimated and which amounts to ₤22-1-6 per head, exceeding in the whole the sum appropriated for that purpose by ₤750-6-5 – except that it is to be borne in mind that in this calculation no sum is covered for remunerating the superintendent for his services & loss of time.

11. What change has taken place with respect to the provisioning of the transports on the present occasion as distinguished from those which conveyed the emigrants of 1823.

11. This head? of the service rests entirely so far as I am informed, with the Navy Board – I was not referred to upon this subject last year or in the present, but I have reason to believe that alterations have been made with respect to the last emigration by the Navy Board in order to meet better their habits and wants and at the same time to afford a saving in the expenditures in consequence of the report which was made of the former experiment.

12. Did you find among the body of emigrants whom you have embarked one uniform impression that the change which was about to take place in their condition was to be a beneficial one, and have you any reason to believe that any letters whatsoever have been received from the emigrants of 1823 which do not strongly impress on their friends in Ireland similarly circumstanced with themselves the desirableness of going out to join them.

12. The emigrants embarked this year were not merely like the last, voluntary emigrants, but they used great exertions & made every interest with their respective Landlords and others to secure their acceptance. They must therefore be supposed to have been fully persuaded that the change which was about to take place in their condition would be a beneficial one.

I found that impression to be universal among them.—

The emigrants of 1823 were embarked under very different circumstances, and were either sanguine or suspicious according to the confidence they were disposed to place in the promises of the Government and the information which was given to them. –

So far as my knowledge extends, no letters have been written by them to their friends in Ireland which have not a tendency strongly to encourage those who are circumstanced as they were to emigrate to Canada.

13. Have you the means of knowing whether any of the emigrants located in 1823 have abandoned their locations without performing their settlement duties and proceeding to colonize themselves in the manner prescribed to them.

13. As my return to Canada at an early period of this season was anticipated by my friends there, I have no very recent report of the state of the settlement which enables one to answer this question with precision. –

I know that after the emigrants had been settled on their lands ten or twelve persons, chiefly single men, deserted the settlement and I have heard since that some who had so withdrawn returned – I have never received any information from which I should be warranted in saying that so many as twenty persons in all have abandoned the settlement, and the few who did go conducted themselves in such a manner before their departure, being idle persons and the principal promoters of the unfortunate disturbances which seem to have now altogether ceased, thus their absence is not to be regretted.

I have the honor to be, Sir, Your Most Obdt Hmbl Servant, P. Robinson


CO 384/13 f 261

Another copy of certificate from clergymen and magistrates of Mitchelstown and borders of Cork, Limerick and Tipperary. No date.

CO 384/13 ff 263-266

[Received June 4, 1825]

Peter Robinson to R Wilmot Horton Esq MP

23 Bury Street {London}

2nd June 1825

Re: Mr. Jones’s complaint to Mr. Goulbourn, Chief Secretary for Ireland.

ff 267-269

[Received June 4, 1825. Copy of PR to RWH May 14, 1825 re: mustering Amity and Regulus. Previously transcribed above]

f 269

Newspaper clip

CO 384/13 ff 270

Begins Private & Confidential papers

A. Emigration to Canada.

ff 271-272

RWH to PR, Downing Street, December 30, 1824 re Accounts of 1823 expenses

ff 273-275

PR to RWH January 1, 1825

CO 384/13 ff 275-278

PR to RWH, 19 Bury Street, January 5, 1825

f 279 Private & Confidential –  B. Emigration to Canada

f 326- John Astle to , re Ships to be hired for transporting emigrants Dublin, February 18, 1825

f 328 Canadian Land Office, London?, August 20, 1825

f 334 C.

{{{{Miscellaneous correspondence – MAY CONTAIN SOME INTERESTING TID BITS}}}

f 352 F.

Various applicatoins and recommendations

f 373

Lord Kingston to Bathurst, March 29, 1824, York Hotel, Albermarle? St.,

Received March 31, 1824

My Dear Lord

When Mr. Robinson took last year the emigrants from Ireland to America he said that this spring Government intended that 5000 more should go to Canada, consequently many are now looking out for this expected promise so the disappointment will …

ff 381-382 Kingston to Bathurst, June 19, 1825, Place??, Received June 24, 1825

ff 434-439 Cove, June 10, 1825 Horace Townsend to RWH , re their inspection of embarked – GOOD

f 440 Navy Office

f 455 Ordnance

f 458 Treasury

f 469 Miscellaneous Offices e.g. Victualling, 

f478 END/ End of volume