Primary legal sources for the TRCC’s Final Report



Two chapters of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRCC)’s Final Report are concerned with the history of Indian Residential Schools and how the courts afforded some Survivors access to justice:

  • “Abuse: 1940-2000,” Chaper 41, Volume 1, Part 2, pp. 399-451.
  • “Getting to the Settlement Agreement,” Chapter 45, Volume 1, Part 2, pp. 551-579.

A third chapter considered this history through a “denial of justice” lens and discusses how the Canadian justice system continues to discriminate against Aboriginal persons:

  • “A denial of justice,” Chapter 5, Volume 5, pp. 185-276.

Of the TRCC’s 94 Calls to Action to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation, 18 Calls relate to matters of justice.1“Calls to Action,” Volume 5, pp. 284-295.

The TRCC’s Final Report cites dozens of primary legal sources (statutes and regulations, legal cases, and legal documents) to support its findings.


Volume 1, Part 1: Canada’s Residential Schools: Origins to 1939


An Act for the gradual enfranchisement of Indians, the better management of Indian Affairs, and to extend the provisions of the Act, 31st Victoria, Chapter 42. Statutes of Canada 1869, c. 6 (32–33 Vict.)
An Act to amend and consolidate the laws respecting Indians (the Indian Act), Statutes of Canada 1876, c. 18.
Great Britain. Rupert’s Land and North-Western Territory Order (Order of Her Majesty in Council Admitting Rupert’s Land and the North-Western Territory into the Union), 23 June 1870.
Schedule A, Rupert’s Land Act 1868, 31–32 Vict., chapter 105 (U.K.).

Legal cases

Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General), Supreme Court of Canada, 3 March 2013. (accessed 28 May 2013).

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Volume 1, Part 2: Canada’s Residential Schools: 1939 to 2000


Class Actions Act, Statutes of Saskatchewan 2001, c. C-12.01.
Class Actions Act, Statutes of Newfoundland 2001, c. C-18.1.
Class Proceedings Act, Statutes of Ontario 1992, c. 6.
Class Proceedings Act, Statutes of Manitoba 2002, c. C130. Class Proceedings Act, Statutes of British Columbia 1996, c. 50.
Class Proceedings Act, Statutes of New Brunswick 2011, c. 125.
Class Proceedings Act, Statutes of Alberta 2003, c. C-16.5.
Class Proceedings Act, Statues of Nova Scotia 2007, c. 28.

Legal Cases

A. (M.) v. Canada (Attorney General) [2001] SKQB 504 (CanLII). (accessed 18 February 2014).
A. (M.) v. Canada (Attorney General) [2003] SKCA 002. (accessed 18 February 2014).
Ammaq v. Canada (Attorney General) [2006] NUCJ 24.
Anderson v. Bell Mobility Inc. [2010] NWTSC 65.
Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General) [2005] OJ 2165.
Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General) [2006] OJ 4968.
Blackwater (WRB) v. Plint [2005] SCC 58.
Bosum v. Canada (Attorney General) [2006] QCCS 5794.
Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law v. Canada (Attorney General) [2004] 1 SCR 76, [2004] SCC 4, 103–104.
Cardinal v. Canada (Attorney General). Court File No. 550-06-000308-502.
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General) [2001] OJ 4163.
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General) [2003] OJ 2698.
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General) [2004] OJ 4924.
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General) [2005] SCCA 50.
D. B. v. Canada (Attorney General) [2000] SKQB 574.
E. B. v. Order of Oblates [2001] BCSC 1783
E. B. v. Order of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the Province of British Columbia. (accessed 12 November 2013).
F. S. M. v. Clarke [1999] BCJ 1973.
F. S. M. v. Clarke [1999] CanLII 9405 (BCSC).
Federal Court Rules, 1998, SOR 98/106, as amended by Rules Amending the Federal Court Rules, 1998, SOR 2002-417, s. 17.
Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General) [2006] YKSC 63.
Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General) [2011] ONSC 4938 (CanLII).
Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General) [2014] ONSC 283.
G. S. v. Canada (Attorney General) [2001] SKQB 427.
H. L. v. Canada [2001] SKQB 233.
H. L. v. Canada [2002] SKCA 131.
H. L. v. Canada [2005] SCC 25.
Her Majesty the Queen, and Harold Daniel McIntee. Reasons for Judgment, Judge C.C. Barnett, Provincial Court of British Columbia, 1 June 1989.
House v. Canada (Attorney General). Court File No. 550-06-0000210-056.
Kuptana v. Canada (Attorney General) [2007] NWTSC 1.
Lalibertie v. Canada (Attorney General) [2005]. Court File No. T-1620-05.
Northwest v. Canada (Attorney General) [2006] ABQB 902.
Order of Quebec Superior Court Chief Justice François Rolland, 27 March 2013.
Quatell v. Canada [2006] BCSC 1840.
R. v. Comeau [1998] NWTJ 34 (NTSC).
R. v. Constant [2005] Man. QB (Dauphin) (CR03-05-00069).
R. v. Frappier [1990] YJ 163 (Territorial Court).
R. v. Hands [1996] OJ 264.
R. v. Leroux [1998] NWTJ 139 (SC).
R. v. Maczynski [1997] CanLII 2491 (BCCA). (accessed 17 April 2012).
R. v. Mills [1999] 3 SCR 668.
R. v. O’Connor [1996] BCJ 1663
R. v. O’Connor [1996] CanLII 3348 (BCCA).
R. v. O’Connor [1996] CanLII 8393 (BCCA).
R. v. O’Connor [1997] CanLII 4071 (BCCA).
R. v. O’Connor [1998] CanLII 14987 (BCCA).
Re Indian Residential Schools [1999] ABQB 823.
Re Indian Residential Schools [2002] ABQB 308.
Re Residential Schools [2001] ABCA 216.
Re Residential Schools [2002] ABQB 667.
Semple v. Canada (Attorney General) [2006] MBQB 285
Sparvier v. Canada (Attorney General) [2005]. Court File No. T-848-05.
Sparvier v. Canada (Attorney General) [2006] SKQB 533
TWNA v. Clarke [2001] BCSC 1177.
TWNA v. Clarke [2003] BCCA 670.
V. P. v. Canada (Attorney General) [1999] SKQB 180.
W. R. B. v. Plint [1998] BCJ 1320.
W. R. B. v. Plint [2001] BCSC 997.
W. R. B. v. Plint [2003] BCCA 671.
Western Canadian Shopping Centres Ltd. v. Dutton [2001] 2 SCR 534.

Court documents etc

Affdavit of Brian O’Reilly sworn on July 27, 2006 in Docket No. L051875, Quatell v. Canada (Attorney General).
Affdavit of Darcy Merkur sworn on 28 July 2006, in Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP, Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General).
Affdavit of David Russell sworn on 25 July 2006, Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP, Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General).
Affdavit of Donald I.M. Outerbridge, sworn on 8 August 2006, in Court File No. 00-CV192059-CP, Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General).
Affdavit of Frank Iacobucci sworn on 28 July 2006, in Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP, Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General).
Affdavit of James Vincent Scott sworn on 14 June 2006, in Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP, Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General).
Affdavit of Nellie J. Cournoyea sworn on 19 November 2012, in Docket No. 00-CV-192059, Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General), 2014 ONSC 4585.
Affdavit of Phil Fontaine, sworn on 28 July 2006, in Court File No. 05-CV-294716CP, Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General).
Factum of the Applicants/IAP Claimants in Request for Directions, Returnable 17 December 2013, in Docket No. 00-CV-192059, Fontaine v. Canada, 2013 ONSC 684.
Joint Factum of the Plaintiffs, Motion for Settlement Approval, Returnable 29–31 August 2006, Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP, Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General).
Statement of Claim, in Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP, Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General).
Statement of Claim, in Court File No. 29762, Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General).

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Volume 2: Canada’s Residential Schools: The Inuit and Northern Experience

Legal Cases

Anderson v. Canada (Attorney General) [2011] NLCA 82.
R. v. Frappier [1990] YJ 163 (Territorial Court).
Reference whether “Indians” includes “Eskimo” [1939] SCR 104.

Volume 3: Canada’s Residential Schools: The Métis Experience


Volume 4: Canada’s Residential Schools: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials


An Act further to amend “The Indian Act, 1880,” Statutes of Canada 1884, chapter 27, section 10.
An Act respecing Indians [Indian Act], Statues of Canada 1951, chapter 29, section 119.
An Act respecting Indians [Indian Act], Statutes of Canada 1894, chapter 32, section 11.
An Act respecting Indians [Indian Act], Statutes of Canada 1919–1920, chapter 50, section 1.
An Act respecting Indians [Indian Act], Statutes of Canada 1932–33, chapter 42, section 1.
Criminal Code, 1892, Statues of Canada 1892, chapter 29.
Public Schools Act, Statues of Manitoba 1954, chapter 215, pages 923–1114.

Legal Cases

F.S.M. v. Clarke [1999] CanLII 9405 (BC SC).
Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General) [2013] ONSC 684.
R. v. Frappier [1990] YJ 163 (Territorial Court).
R. v. Leroux [1998] NWTJ 139 (SC).
R. v. Maczynski [1997] CanLII 2491 (BC CA). (accessed 17 April 2012).

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Volume 5: Canada’s Residential Schools: The Legacy


Aboriginal Languages Recognition Act, CCSM c A1.5.
An Act Concerning Indians, Statutes of Canada 1876, chapter 18, section 86.1, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 47.
An Act Concerning Indians, Statutes of Canada 1927, chapter 98, section 110, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 285–287.
An Act Respecting Indians, Statutes of Canada 1951, chapter 29, section 113, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 350.
Adoption Act, CCSM c A2.
Adoption Act, RSBC 1996, c 5.
Adoption Act, SNL 1999, c A-2.1.
Canada Health Act, RSC 1985, c C-6, s 3.
Charter of the French Language, RSQ, c C-11, s 97.
Child and Family Services Act, RSO 1990, c C-11.
Child and Family Services Act, SNWT (Nu) 1997, c 13.
Child and Family Services Act, SS 1989-90, c C-7.2.
Child and Family Services Act, SY 2008.
Child and Family Services Authorities Act, CCSM c C90.
Child Protection Act, RSPEI 1988, c C-5.1.
Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, RSA 2000, c C-12.
Children and Family Services Act, SNS 1990, c 5.
Children and Youth Care and Protection Act, SNL 2010, c C-12.2.
Class Actions Act, SS 2001, c C-12.01.
Class Actions Act, SNL 2001, c C-18.1.
Class Proceedings Act, CCSM c C-130.
Class Proceedings Act, RSBC 1996, c 50.
Class Proceedings Act, RSNB 2011, c 125.
Class Proceedings Act, SA 2003, c C-16.5.
Class Proceedings Act, SNS 2007, c 28.
Class Proceedings Act, SO 1992, c 6.
Consolidation of Inuit Language Protection Act, SNu 2008, c 17.
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, SC 1996, c 19.
Corrections and Conditional Release Act, SC 1992 c 20.
Corrections and Conditional Release Act, SOR/92-620.
Criminal Code of Canada, RCS 1985 c C-46.
Criminal Code of Canada, RCS 1985 c C-46 as amended by SC 1997 c 30.
Education Act, SNu 2008, c 15.
Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons, RSQ, c I-14 at Part X.
Family Services Act, SNB 1980, c F-2.2.
First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act, SC 2006, c 10.
First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Act, RSBC 1996, c 147, s 6.
First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Regulation, BC Reg 65/2011, s 1.
Hamilton Health Sciences Corp. v. D. H., 2014 ONCJ 603 (CanLII).
Hamilton Health Sciences Corp. v. D. H., 2015 ONCJ 229.
Harry Daniels, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen as represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, et al., 2014 CanLII 68707 (SCC).
Indian Act, RSC, 1985, c 1–5.
Indian Act (Amendment to), RSC 1927 c 98.
Limitations Act, RSA 2000 c L-2.
Limitations of Actions Act, RSS 1978 c L-15.
Limitation of Actions Amendment Act, S.M. 2002 c 5.
Mi’kmaq Education Act, SC 1998, c 24.
Mãori Language Act, No. 176 of 1987.
Official Languages Act, RSNWT 1988, c O-1.
Official Languages Act, RSNWT (Nu) 1988, c O-1.
Official Languages Act, SNu 2008, c 10.
Public Law No. 101-477, October 30, 1990.
Regulation respecting the language of instruction of children residing on Indian reserves, RRQ, c C-11, r 8.
Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act, SC 2013, c 21.
Statutes of Canada (57-58 Vic, cap. 32, 1895), ss. 137–139 under the 11th clause, pages 232–233.
Statutes of Canada (58-59 Vic, 1895), Orders-in-council, Canada, pages liv–lviii: o/c of 10 Nov. 1894, vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxviii, page 832.
Youth Protection Act, CQLR c P-34.1.
Yukon Health Act, SY 2002, c 106, s 5.

Legal cases

Arishenkoff v. British Columbia, 2004 BCCA 299 (CanLII).
Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General), 2006 CanLII 41673 (ONSC).
B(D) v. Canada (Attorney General), 2000 SKQB 574(CanLII).
Beattie v. Canada (Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development), 1997 CanLII 6343 (FC).
Bird v. Canada (Attorney General), 1999 CanLII 12476 (SKQB).
Blackwater v. Plint, 2001 BCSC 997 (Can LII).
Brown v. Attorney General of Canada, 2014 ONSC 6967 (CanLII).
Brown v. Canada, 2013 ONSC 5637.
Calder v. Attorney General (BC), [1973] SCJ No 56 (SCC).
Canada (Attorney General) v. Canadian Human Rights Commission, 2013 FCA 75
Canada (Attorney General) v. Desjarlais, 2005 ABQB 416 (CanLII).
Canada (Attorney General) v. Maracle, 2012 FC 105 (CanLII).
Canada (Human Rights Commission) v. Canada (Attorney General), 2012 FC 445 (CanLII).
Canada (Indian Affairs) v. Daniels, 2014 FCA 101 (CanLII).
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General), [2001] OJ No 4163.
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General), [2003] OJ No 2698.
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General), [2004] OJ No 4924.
Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General), 2004 CanLII 45444 (ONCA).
C. M. v. Canada (Attorney General), 2004 SKQB 175(CanLII).
Daniels v. Canada, 2013 FC 6 (CanLII).
F. H. v. McDougall, [2008] 3 SCR 41.
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society v. Canada, 2011 CHRT 4.
Fisher v. Canada (Attorney General), 1999 CanLII 12781 (SKQB).
Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 SKCA 22.
Ford v. Quebec (Attorney General) [1988] 2 SCR 712.
F. S. M. v. Clarke, 1999 CanLII 9405 (BCSC).
Harry Daniels, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen as represented by The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, et al., 2014 CanLII 68707 (SCC).
Kelly v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 ONSC 1220.
M. A. v. Canada (Attorney General), [1999] SJ No 538 (SKQB).
M. C. C. v. Canada, [2001] OJ No 4163.
Mitchell v. M. N. R., 2001 SCC 33.
M. M. v. Roman Catholic Church of Canada et al., 2001 MBCA 148 (CanLII).
Ochapowace Indian Band No. 71 v. Canada (Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development), 1998 CanLII 13768 (SK QB).
Pictou Landing Band Council v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 FC 342 (CanLII).
P.(W.) v. Canada (Attorney General), 1999 SKQB 17 (CanLII).
Q.(A.) v. Canada (Attorney General), 1998 CanLII 13810 (SKQB).
Quatell v. Attorney General of Canada, 2006 BCSC 1840.
Québec c. Commission Scolaire Crie, 2001 CanLII 20652 (QC CA).
R. v. Alkenbrack, 2011 BCPC 424.
R. v. Armitage, 2015 ONCJ 64 (CanLII).
R. v. Badger, 2013 SKQB 347.
R. v. Battaja, 2010 YKTC 145.
R. v. Boisseneau, 2006 ONSC 562.
R. v. Cappo, 2005 SKCA 134.
R. v. C. G., 2011 NWTSC 47.
R. v. C. G. O., 2011 BCPC 145.
R. v. Charlie, 2012 YKTC 5.
R. v. C. L. K., 2009 MBQB 227 (CanLII).
R. v. Corbiere, 2012 ONSC 2405.
R. v. Craft, 2010 YKTC 127.
R. v. E. K., 2012 BCPC 132.
R. v. Elias, 2009 YKTC 59.
R. v. Frappier [1990] YJ No 163
R. v. G(D. M.), 2006 NSPC 58 (CanLII).
R. v. George, 2010 ONSC 6017.
R. v. Gingell, [1996] YJ No 52.
R. v. Gladue, [1999] 1 SCR 688.
R. v. Harris, 2002 BCCA 152.
R. v. Ipeelee, 2012 SCC 13.
R. v. J.E.R., 2012 BCPC 103.
R. v. Jimmie, 2009 BCCA 215.
R. v. J. O., 2007 QCCQ 716.
R. v. Joe, 2005 YKTC 21.
R. v. J. T., 2011 ONSC 7275 (CanLII).
R. v. Keepness, 2011 SKQB 293.
R. v. Klymok, 2002 ABPC 95.
R. v. Knowlton, 2005 ABPC 29 (CanLII).
R. v. Land, 2013 ONSC 6526.
R. v. Leaney, 2002 BCCA 67.
R. v. Loring, 2009 BCCA 166.
R. v. Makela, 2006 BCPC 320.
R. v. McLeod, 2006 YKTC 118.
R. v. Mitchell, [2001] 1 SCR 911.
R. v. M. L. W., 2004 SKPC 90.
R. v. NB, 2012 SKPC 99 (CanLII).
R. v. O’Connor [1992] BCJ No 2569.
R. v. O’Connor [1995] 4 SCR 411.
R. v. O’Connor, 1996 CanLII 8458 (BCSC).
R. v. O’Connor, 1996 CanLII 8393 (BCCA).
R. v. O’Connor, 1997 CanLII 4071 (BCCA).
R. v. O’Connor, 1998 CanLII 14987 (BCCA).
R. v. Ominayak, 2007 ABQB 442.
R. v. O. S., 2005 BCPC 727.
R. v. Paulette, 2010 NWTSC 31 (CanLII).
R. v. Pauchay, 2009 SKPC 35.
R. v. Paulin, 2011 ONSC 5027.
R. v. Quash, 2009 YKTC 54.
R. v. Renschler, 2005 MBPC 53233.
R. v. R. L., 2012 MBPC 22.
R. v. Rossi, [2011] O.J. No. 4736.
R. v. Sharkey, 2011 BCSC 1541.
R. v. Simon, 2006 ABPC 21.
R. v. Smickle, 2012 ONSC 602.
R. v. Snake, [2010] OJ No 5445.
R. v. Sparrow, (1990) 1. SCR 1075.
R. v. Tymiak, 2012 BCCA 40.
R. v. Van der Peet, [1996] 2 SCR 507.
R. v. Whitehead, 2008 SKPC 90 (CanLII).
R. v. W.R.B., 2010 MBQB 102.
R. v. W.R.G., 2011 BCPC 330.
Reference whether “Indians” includes “Eskimo” Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, [1939] SCR 104.
Re Residential Schools, [2000] AJ No 47 (ABQB).
R. J. G. v. Canada (Attorney General), 2004 SKCA 102 (CanLII).
St. Catharine’s Milling and Lumber Co. v. R., 13 SCR 577, 1887 CanLII 3 (SCC).
T. W. N. A. v. Clarke, 2001 BCSC 1177 (CanLII).
United States v. Winans, 198 U.S. 371, 25 S.Ct. 662 (1905).
W.(D.) v. Canada (Attorney General), 1999 SKQB 187 (CanLII).

Court documents etc.

“Affidavit of Phillip Fontaine,” in Court File No. 05-CV-294716CP (Fontaine v. Canada), 2006.
“Affidavit of Darcy Merkur, sworn July 28,” in Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP (Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General)), 2006.
“Agreement in Principle,” between Canada, the Plaintiffs, the Assembly of First Nations, and the Anglican, Presbyterian, United and Roman Catholic Entities, 10 November 2005.
Canada. House of Commons. Bill C-10: An Act to Enact the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act and to Amend the State Immunity Act, the Criminal Code, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and other Acts. 41st Parliament, 1st Session, 13 March 2012.
Canada. House of Commons. Bill C-32: An Act to Enact the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights and to Amend Certain Acts. 41st Parliament, 2nd Session, 23 April 2015.
British Columbia and First Nations Health Society. British Columbia Tripartite Framework Agreement on First Nation Health Governance, 13 October 2011.
“Fresh as Amended Statement of Claim,” in Court File No. 00-CV-192059 CP (Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General)), 2006.
Government of Canada and Merchant Law Group. “Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, Schedule V, Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Merchant Law Group Respecting the Verification of Legal Fees,” 20 November 2005.
Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, between Canada, the Plaintiffs, the Assembly of First Nations, and the Anglican, Presbyterian, United and Roman Catholic Entities, 8 May 2006.
Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Official Court Notice, 8 May 2006.
Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Schedule O-3: “Catholic Entities Church Agreement,” 8 May 2006.
“Joint Factum of the Plaintiffs, Motion for Settlement Approval – Returnable August 29-31 2006,” in Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP (Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General)), 2006.
Skogamhallait v. Canada (VLC-S-S-11366), Notice of Civil Claim. Accessed 7 November 2013.
“Statement of Claim,” in Court File No. 29762 (Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General)), 1998.
“Statement of Claim issued 13 June 2000,” in Court File No. 00-CV-192059CP (Baxter v. Canada (Attorney General)), 2000.

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Volume 6: Canada’s Residential Schools: Reconciliation


Act to Amend the Museums Act in Order to Establish the Canadian Museum of History 2013.
Broadcasting Act SC 1991, chapter 11.
Historic Sites and Monuments Act RSC 1985, chapter H-4.
Museums Act SC 1990, chapter 3, section 3.
Nunavut Family Abuse Intervention Act SNu 2006, chapter 18.
Peacemaker Court and Justice Council Act 2011.
Physical Activity and Sport Act SC 2003, chapter 2.

Legal cases

Delgamuukw v. British Columbia (1997) 3 SCR 1010.
Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 ONSC 684.
Grassy Narrows First Nation v. Ontario (Natural Resources), 2014 SCC 48.
Guerin v. R. (1984) 2 SCR 335.
Haida Nation v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests), 2004 SCC 73.
Manitoba Métis Federation v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 SCC 14.
Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada (Minister of Canadian Heritage) [2005] 3 SCR 388, 2005 SCC 69.
R. v. Ipeelee, 2012 SCC 13.
R. v. Sparrow (1990) 1 SCR 1075.
Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, 2010 SCC 43, [2010] 2 SCR 650.
S. L. v. Commission scolaire des Chênes, 2012 SCC 7.
Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, 2014 SCC 44.

Legal documents

Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. “Schedule J: Commemoration Policy Directive.” n.d.
Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. “Schedule N: Mandate for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” n.d.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and University of Manitoba. “Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Administrative Agreement.” n.d.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and University of Manitoba. “Centre forTruth and Reconciliation Trust Deed.” 21 June 2013.
United Nations. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. March 2008.
University of Manitoba. “Written Argument.” 13 December 2012. In Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 ONSC 684.

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