RiC-O Record Resources and Instantiations in Turtle




The  GitHub repository for RiC-O includes examples of Record Resources, Agents, Relations, and Vocabularies generated by National Archives of France. We used EasyRDF to convert one Record Resource file in rdf to ttl.

The example addressed how to markup Record Resources involving a Record that describes a Record Set (and their Instanitations).

We’ll also address how to markup Record Resources with a Record and its related Record Part(s).

Record and its described Record Set

Step 1: Identify and describe the Record that describes the Record Set, and identify its Instantiation.

a <https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/ontology#Record> ;
rico:title "NNN-title@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-title"@en ;
rico:history "This document ... and so on."@en ;
rico:hasDocumentaryFormType <https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/vocabularies/documentaryFormTypes#FindingAid> ;
rico:describesOrDescribed <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-set> ;
rico:isOrWasRegulatedBy <https://open-trc.ca/rule/r001>, <https://open-trc.ca/rule/r002> ;
rico:hasCreator <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agCREATOR> ;
rico:hasPublisher <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPUBLISHER> ;
rico:publicationDate "2000"^^xsd:gYear ;
rico:hasInstantiation <https://open-trc.ca/instantiation/NNN-i1> .

NOTE: rico:describesOrDescribed can be used, among other situations, for specifying that some finding aid (a Record that has Documentary Form Type Finding Aid, as in our example) describes some Record Set.

Use “yyyy-mm–dd”^^xsd:date for complete dates.

Step 2: Describe the Instantiation of the index Record from Step 1.

a rico:Instantiation ;
rico:isInstantiationOf <https://open-trc.ca/record/NNN> ;
rico:title "NNN-title"@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-title"@en ;
rico:history "This document ... and so on."@en ;
rico:isOrWasRegulatedBy <https://open-trc.ca/rule/r003> ;
dc11:format "text/xml"@en ;
rico:identifier "{some-prefix}_NNN" ;
rico:hasOrHadHolder <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agHOLDER> .

Step 3: Identify and describe the associated Record Set, identify its Instantiation, and identify its included Record Resources.

a rico:RecordResource, rico:RecordSet ;
rico:isOrWasDescribedBy <https://open-trc.ca/record/NNN> ;
rico:hasRecordSetType <https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/vocabularies/recordSetTypes#Fonds> ;
rico:title "NNN-set title"@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-set title"@en ;
rico:beginningDate "1801-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
rico:endDate "2000-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
rico:date "XIX-XX centuries"@en ;
rico:hasProvenance <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPROV-01> ;
rico:hasOrHadHolder <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agHOLDER> ;
rico:hasInstantiation <https://open-trc.ca/instantiation/NNN-set-i1> ;
rico:includesOrIncluded <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-d_1>, <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-d_2> .

Step 4: Describe the Instantiation from Step 3.

a rico:Instantiation ;
rico:isInstantiationOf <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-set> ;
rico:identifier "{some_ID-001}" ;
rico:title "NNN-set title"@en ;
rico:title "NNN-set title"@en ;
rico:beginningDate "1801-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
rico:endDate "2000-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
rico:date "XIX-XX centuries"@en ;
rico:hasOrHadLocation <https://open-trc.ca/place/pl001> ;
rico:hasProvenance <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPROV-01> ;
rico:hasOrHadHolder <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agHOLDER>.

Step 5: Describe the first included Record Record from Step 3, identify its Instantiation, and identify its included Record Resources.

a rico:RecordResource ;
rico:isOrWasIncludedIn <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-set> ;
rico:title "NNN-d_1 title"@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-d_1 title"@en ;
rico:hasProvenance <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPROV-02> ;
rico:hasInstantiation <https://open-trc.ca/instantiation/NNN-d_1-i1> ;
rico:includesOrIncluded <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-d_1_1>, <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-d_1_2> .

Step 6: Describe the Instantiation from Step 5.

a rico:Instantiation ;
rico:isInstantiationOf <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-d_1> ;
rico:identifier "{some_ID-001}
” ;
rico:title "NNN-d_1 title"@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-d_1 title"@en ;
rico:hasProvenance <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPROV-02> .

Step 7 Iterate through the remaining included Record Resources from Steps 3, 5, 7 etc; likewise iterate through the respective Instantiations from Steps 4, 6, 8, etc.

Record and its Record Parts

Step 1: Identify and describe the index Record, identify its Instantiation (same as Step 1 above), and identify its constituents.

a <https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/ontology#Record> ;
rico:hasDocumentaryFormType <https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/vocabularies/documentaryFormTypes#FindingAid> ;
rico:isOrWasRegulatedBy <https://open-trc.ca/rule/r001>, <https://open-trc.ca/rule/r002> ;
rico:title "NNN-title@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-title"@en ;
rico:hasCreator <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agCREATOR> ;
rico:hasPublisher <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPUBLISHER> ;
rico:publicationDate "2000"^^xsd:gYear ;
rico:history """
<html:div xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<html:p namespacelang="en">By P. Allen</html:p>
"""^^rdf:XMLLiteral ;
rico:hasOrHadConstituent <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-part_1>, <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-part_2> ;
rico:hasInstantiation <https://open-trc.ca/instantiation/NNN-i1> .

Step 2: Describe the Instantiation of the index Record from Step 1 (same as Step 2 above).

a rico:Instantiation ;
rico:isInstantiationOf <https://open-trc.ca/record/NNN> ;
rico:title "NNN-title"@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-title"@en ;
rico:history "This document ... and so on."@en ;
rico:isOrWasRegulatedBy <https://open-trc.ca/rule/r003> ;
dc11:format "text/xml"@en ;
rico:identifier "{some-prefix}_NNN" ;
rico:hasOrHadHolder <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agHOLDER> .

Step 3: Identify and describe the first Record Part from Step 1, identify its Instantiation, and identify its included Record Parts.

a rico:RecordResource, rico:RecordPart ;
rico:isOrWasConstituentOf <https://open-trc.ca/record/NNN>;
rico:hasRecordSetType <https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/vocabularies/recordSetTypes#??????> ;
rico:title "NNN-part title"@en ;
rdfs:label "NNN-part title"@en ;
rico:beginningDate "1801-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
rico:endDate "2000-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
rico:date "XIX-XX centuries"@en ;
rico:hasProvenance <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPROV-01> ;
rico:hasOrHadHolder <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agHOLDER> ;
rico:hasInstantiation <https://open-trc.ca/instantiation/NNN-part_1-i1>
rico:hasOrHadConstituent <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-part_1_1>, <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-part_1_2> .

Step 4: Describe the Instantiation of the first Record Part from Step 3.

a rico:Instantiation ;
rico:isInstantiationOf <https://open-trc.ca/recordResource/NNN-part> ;
rico:identifier "{some_ID-001}" ;
rico:title "NNN-part title"@en ;
rico:title "NNN-part title"@en ;
rico:beginningDate "1801-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
rico:endDate "2000-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
rico:date "XIX-XX centuries"@en ;
rico:hasOrHadLocation <https://open-trc.ca/place/pl001> ;
rico:hasProvenance <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agPROV-01> ;
rico:hasOrHadHolder <https://open-trc.ca/agent/agHOLDER>.

Step 5: Iterate Record Parts from Steps 1, 3, 5, 7 etc; likewise their Instantiations from Steps 4, 6, 8, etc.