Simple Effort – 02

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Access to information under the control of Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) and its predecessors – Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) – has long been considered problematic and was recently identified as a concern by the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools in her Progress Update Report (November 2022) and Interim Report (June 2023). The release of the Special Interlocutor’s final report had been scheduled for June 2024, but is now expected in the Fall.

Meanwhile, in a series of posts, we aim to support the efforts of the Special Interlocutor and others who are working to overcome barriers to access to information pertaining to the history and legacy of relations between First Nations and Canada:

    1. ISC/CIRNAC’s administration of Canada’s Access to Information Act
    2. Framework for evaluating ISC/CIRNAC’s response to ATI requests
    3. ISC/CIRNAC’s lack of transparency in processing sensitive or high-profile ATI requests
    4. Cost of ISC/CIRNAC’s access to information programs

Our plan for evaluating ISC/CIRNAC’s administration of the Access to Information Act (ATIA) focuses on four key categories of performance:

  1. Cost
  2. Effort
  3. Efficiency
  4. Compliance

Our evaluation incorporates the government’s latest scheme for classfying a handful of statistics as Key Performance Indicators or Key Data Points framework, plus a selection of supplemental statistics from ISC/CIRNAC’s Annual Statistical Reports and Annual Reports to Parliament.

So far we have evaluated ISC/CIRNAC’s Costs to operate their shared ATIP Directorate.

We now evaluate ISC/CIRNAC’s Effort and Efficiency with respect to the number and disposition of ATI requests processed as well as the number of pages processed/disclosed. Table 1 presents the subset of statistics involved in this analysis compared to the comprehensive evaluation. We will evaluate ISC/CIRNAC’s Effort with respect to consultations with other government institutions and NGOs later.

Table 1. Plan for Evaluating ISC/CIRNAC’s Effort and Efficiency in Administering the ATIA.
Evaluation Component ID Statistic
Effort KDP-2 Requests received during current reporting period
KDP-3 Requests closed during current reporting period
KDP-4 Requests carried over to next reporting period
SUPPL-1 Disposition of requests closed
KDP-5 Requests closed with information disclosed
KDP-6 Pages processed for closed requests
SUPPL-2 Pages processed x Disposition
SUPPL-3 Pages disclosed for closed requests
SUPPL-4 Pages disclosed x Disposition
Efficiency KDP-3 / KDP-1 Requests closed during current reporting period / Cost of ATI program operations
KDP-5 / KDP-1 Pages processed for closed requests /
Cost of ATI program operations
SUPPL-4 / KDP-1 Pages disclosed for closed requests /
Cost of ATI program operations



ATI Requests


Table 2 presents the Government’s Key Data Points related to the number of ATI requests (KDP-2, KDP-3, KDP-4) to ISC/CIRNAC between 2018-19 and 2022-23.1Table 1.1 Number of requests, Treasury Board Secretariat, Statistics on the Access to Information and Privacy Acts, covering 2018-19 to 2022-23.. Note that the number of requests closed during current reporting period (row D) is the sum of closed requests received during the current reporting period (row B) plus closed requests brought forward (or outstanding) from previous reporting period (row A).

Table 2. ATI Requests to ISC/CIRNAC, 2018-19 to 2022-23.
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
A Number of requests brought forward from previous reporting period 50 111 154 156 359 265 377 215 335 216
B Number of requests received during current reporting period
499 389 498 333 358 196 444 303 412 227
C Number of open requests during current reporting period
(A + B)
549 500 652 489 717 461 821 518 747 443
D Number of requests closed during current reporting period
395 344 302 244 342 236 484 305 435 266
E Number of requests carried over to next reporting period
(C – D)
154 156 350 245 375 225 337 213 312 177


ATI Requests


Table 2 presents the Government’s Key Data Points related to the number of ATI requests (KDP-2, KDP-3, KDP-4) to ISC/CIRNAC between 2018-19 and 2022-23.2Table 1.1 Number of requests, Treasury Board Secretariat, Statistics on the Access to Information and Privacy Acts, covering 2018-19 to 2022-23.. Note that the number of requests closed during current reporting period (row D) is the sum of closed requests received during the current reporting period (row B) plus closed requests brought forward (or outstanding) from previous reporting period (row A).

Table 2. ATI Requests to ISC/CIRNAC, 2018-19 to 2022-23.
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
A Number of requests brought forward from previous reporting period 50 111 154 156 359 265 377 215 335 216
B Number of requests received during current reporting period
499 389 498 333 358 196 444 303 412 227
C Number of open requests during current reporting period
(A + B)
549 500 652 489 717 461 821 518 747 443
D Number of requests closed during current reporting period
395 344 302 244 342 236 484 305 435 266
E Number of requests carried over to next reporting period
(C – D)
154 156 350 245 375 225 337 213 312 177

