TRC’s Indian Residential Schools


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) commented extensively on the limitations and anomalies of Canada’s final list of Indian Residential Schools. The TRC used primary sources to overcome these difficulties as far as possible, and published two lists of its own:

We are publishing these 159 Indian Residential Schools, as they appeared in Appendices 1.1 and 1.2 of the TRC’s final report, as a machine-readable, Open Document Spreadsheet (ODS) file, with these data fields:

Field Definition
SOURCE_TRC Source = “Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Final Report, Volume 4: Canada’s Residential Schools: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials, 2015.”
SOURCE_STND_ID_TRC Source Standard ID = “ISBN 978-0-7735-4657-8”
APPENDIX_TRC 1.1 = Included in Appendix 1.1
1.2 = Included in Appendix 1.2
IRS_ID_TRC Unique identifier. “IRS”+ “-” + [“1.1” | “1.2”] + “-” + [NNN], where [“1.1” | “1.2”] signifies Appendix 1.1 or 1.2 as the source, and where [NNN] signifies the IRS’s ordinal position in the Appendix (giving identifiers ranging from IRS-1.1-001 to IRS.1.2-143 and from IRS1.2-001 to IRS-1.2-016).
LOCATION_TRC Town or city
IRS_NAME_TRC Preferred name
IRS_AKA_TRC Alternative name(s)
AFFILIATION_TRC Religious affiliation(s)
OPENING_DATE_TRC Initial opening date
OPENING_DATE_ENDNOTE_TRC Endnote number for initial opening dates in Appendix 1.1
OPENING_DATE_REFERENCE_TRC Reference for initial opening
OPENING_DATE_SOURCE_TRC Source for reference
CLOSING_DATE_TRC Final closing date
CLOSING_DATE_ENDNOTE_TRC Endnote number for final closing date in Appendix 1.1
CLOSING_DATE_REFERENCE_TRC Reference for final closing
CLOSING_DATE_SOURCE_TRC Source for reference

Note: Appendix 1.1 indicates that the Anglican Elkhorn Indian Residential School (IRS-1.1-050) operated for two distinct periods: 1889 [Endnote 101] to 1918 [Endnote 102] and 1923 [Endnote 103] to 1949 [Endnote 104]. Endnotes 101, 102 and 103 of Appendix 1.1 are combined in Endnote 101 in the TSV file.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. If you use this work, please credit Paul Allen,