Applications and Canada’s decisions under Article 12 (March 28, 2013)


We have seen that Canada issued periodic updates of its decisions regarding applications to add institutions to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) under Article 12.

We are publishing data about 1,502 institutions from the last available update (March 28, 2013), as a machine-readable, Tab-Separated-Value file, with these data fields:

Field Definition
PREFERRED_NAME Preferred name
LOCATION Town or city
DECISION Canada’s decision re application
REASON Reason for decision
ALSO_ALL Concatenation of alternative names and/or associated institutions (if applicable)
ALSO_01 First alternative name and/or associated institution (if applicable)
ALSO_02 Second alternative name and/or associated institution (if applicable)
ALSO_13 Thirteenth alternative name and/or associated institution (if applicable)
AANDC_UPDATE Set to 20130328

For more information about these 1,502 institutions, see Analysis of applications and Canada’s decisions under Article 12 (March 28, 2013).


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