Canada’s Indian Residential Schools under the final IRSSA


By our reckoning, the original Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) identified 131 Indian Residential Schools:

  • Schedule E (Residential Schools) identified 107 Indian Residential Schools
  • Schedule F (Additional Residential Schools) identified 24 Indian Residential Schools.

Under Article 12 of the IRSSA, Canada agreed to recognize 6 additional institutions as Indian Residential Schools; courts ordered Canada to recognize 4 other institutions as Indian Residential Schools. We are publishing the 131 institutions in the original IRSSA plus the 10 institutions added to the IRSSA under Article 12, as a machine-readable, Tab-Separated-Value file, with these data fields:


Field Definition
PREFERRED_NAME Preferred name
ORIGINAL_IRSSA 1=Included in the original IRSSA
FINAL_IRSSA 1=Included in the final IRSSA


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