Category: health

  • Working with the Ranch Ehrlo Society

    Working with the Ranch Ehrlo Society




    Our organization had the pleasure of working with Paul as he conducted a broad operational review of our Residential Treatment program for us. Paul is a trained clinician and he brings a very unique combination of skills, abilities and expertise to the consulting work he does. Paul is a strategic thinker, yet he also has an ability to…

  • Revera’s business is “privileged and confidential”

    Revera’s business is “privileged and confidential”


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    On Monday, Revera Inc. released “A Perfect Storm: The COVID-19 Experience for Revera and the Long-Term Care Sector.” CBC describes Revera’s report as “undertaken by an external advisory panel, made up mostly of doctors and experts in the medical field who volunteered their time.” The Public Service Alliance of Canada calls the report a “slick…

  • Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario: Accreditation Status


    To date, we’ve published four resources to assist researchers interested in studying Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes and Retirement Homes in Ontario: Consolidated Dataset of LTC Homes (May 9, 2020) Consolidated Dataset of Retirement Homes (May 14, 2020) Index to Reports of Inspections Issued to LTC Homes (May 18, 2020) Index to Reports of Inspections Issued…

  • Wrapping-Up My Work on LTC Homes and Retirement Homes in Ontario


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    For the foreseeable future, I’m wrapping-up my work on Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes and Retirement Homes in Ontario. I’ve published four resources that I hope will prove helpful for researchers: Consolidated dataset of LTC Homes (May 9, 2020) Consolidated dataset of Retirement Homes (May 14, 2020) Index to Reports of Inspections Issued to LTC Homes…

  • An Index of Reports of Inspections Issued to Retirement Homes in Ontario (2012-2020)


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    On May 14, 2020, we released a consolidated database of 766 Retirement Homes in Ontario. Today we’re supplementing this database with an Index to Inspection Reports issued for these Retirement Homes between September 2012 and April 2020. Primary Source Our primary source was the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority website. Methods As noted in our May…

  • An Index to Inspection Reports Issued for LTC Homes in Ontario (2010-2020)


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    On May 9, 2020, we released a consolidated database of 626 Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes in Ontario, derived from information published by the provincial government. Today we’re supplementing this database with an Index to Inspection Reports issued for LTC Homes in the province between April 2010 and March 2020. Primary Source Our primary source was…

  • Consolidated Dataset of LTC Homes in Ontario


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    On May 7, 2020, we released a database of Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes in Ontario, derived from information published by the provincial government. We wanted to update the database and describe our primary sources, methods, and final results. Primary Sources Our first primary source was the Ontario government’s Ministry of Health Service Provider Locations (MOHSERLO)…

  • Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario – UPDATE


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    UPDATE: In the course of documenting my methodology for creating the database of licensed Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes in Ontario, I discovered that one of my software scripts had inadvertently skipped over entries for about 20 LTC Homes. I’ll post my methodology and the corrected database later today (May 11, 2020). I apologize for any…

  • COVID-19 in Long Term Care: Pursuing Transparency *and* Preserving Privacy

    COVID-19 in Long Term Care: Pursuing Transparency *and* Preserving Privacy


    Yesterday I credited the Ontario government with starting to include more detailed summaries of COVID-19 cases in Long Term Care homes in its daily updates. I also raised concerns about remaining gaps in the government’s reporting. I’ve been asked to explain one concern in particular: When the number of deaths among residents in a particular…

  • Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Fatal Cases in Southern Ontario

    Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Fatal Cases in Southern Ontario


    On March 30, 2020, the Ontario government enhanced its daily reporting of COVID-19 cases in the province. We summarized how these enhancements – especially the daily epidemiological summary – might address our critique of the government’s earlier reporting. Shortly after introducing its daily epidemiological summary, the Ontario government also began publishing daily updates of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the province.…

  • Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Cases in Southern Ontario

    Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Cases in Southern Ontario


    On March 30, 2020, the Ontario government enhanced its daily reporting of COVID-19 cases in the province. We summarized how these enhancements – especially the daily epidemiological summary – might address our critique of the government’s earlier reporting. Shortly after introducing its daily epidemiological summary, the Ontario government also began publishing daily updates of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the province.…

  • Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government Begins Moving Again

    Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government Begins Moving Again


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    Yesterday I shared some concerns about Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) efforts to inform the public about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the province. Today the MOHLTC began to address those concerns. The MOHLTC is now committing to provide a more detailed epidemiological summary of COVID-19 cases in the province every…

  • Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government is Falling Behind

    Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government is Falling Behind


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    The Ontario government’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) has been posting twice daily (at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.) updates on the status of COVID-19 cases in the province. The updates have included (1) a statistical summary of province-wide COVID-19 testing to date and (2) some basic information about new confirmed positive…

  • Choose Life


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    An agreement struck in 2017 between Indigenous Services Canada and the Nishnawbe Aski Nation on faster funding for suicide prevention projects is “making a huge impact,” says NAN Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler. What’s known as the Choose Life initiative created a streamlined and quick turn-around process for First Nations that are part of the Nishnawbe Aski…

  • Lies, damned lies, and waitlist statistics

    Lies, damned lies, and waitlist statistics


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    The Government of Ontario is rightly in the soup for having justified (if not designed) its utter disruption of the province’s services for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder on the basis of a single, apparently known-to-be-inflated statistic (23,000 kids sitting on a waitlist). The sad irony is that service providers have long been exaggerating…

  • What young people can do to look after their own mental health

    What young people can do to look after their own mental health


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    Today the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families launched its self-care web page containing eighty-five mental health self-care activities for young people. The self-care resource was developed by the Common Room and young people from the mental health support group Hearts & Minds. Young people report that when they are struggling with their mental health they are usually…

  • A young person’s guide to inpatient mental health care

    A young person’s guide to inpatient mental health care




    Young people sometimes go into hospital for their mental health, to help them get the right level of care and support to help them on their way to recovery. A thoughtful guide – published today by Young Minds (UK) – explains what happens in a mental health unit, who you might meet, and how they…

  • “Wise Interventions”​: Economical alternatives to EBPs in Youth Mental Health?

    “Wise Interventions”​: Economical alternatives to EBPs in Youth Mental Health?




    Wise interventions (WIs) are precise, theory- and research-based techniques that address specific psychological processes to help people flourish across diverse life domains. WIs emphasize subjective meaning-making: how people make sense of themselves and social worlds. In turn, they can spur changes in beliefs and behavior in ways that accrue over time. In controlled studies and field…

  • Children and Youth Mental Health Services: The NHS’s Five Year Plan

    Children and Youth Mental Health Services: The NHS’s Five Year Plan




    Introduction Last week the NHS published its Long Term Plan for health services in England. The plan recognizes the significance of mental health challenges among children and youth (0 to 18 years), including: Mental health problems often develop early and, between the ages of 5-15, one in every nine children has a mental disorder. Half…