Category: data

  • W3C Organization Ontology

    Modified: 5.2 Organizational structure 5.2.1 Class: Organization Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures.…

  • Identifying Authority Records that relate to the Oblates


    Background Our start on OBLATES-LOD has focused on extracting data from two of AtoM’s main entity types underlying the NCTR’s online archive: Authority records Archival descriptions Here we complete three tasks: Extracting data from 89 Authority Records relate to the Oblates. Collecting HTML and XML versions of the Archival Descriptions of resources that relate to these Authority…

  • Roman Catholic entities in Canada


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    Jurisdictions Let’s create a dataset of two types of jurisdiction used to organize the Roman Catholic Church in Canada: Province Diocese An (ecclesiastical) province is one of the basic forms of jurisdiction in Christian churches with traditional hierarchical structure. In the Roman Catholic Church, an ecclesiastical province consists of several dioceses, one of them being…

  • Catholic entities that operated Indian Residential Schools


    Let’s create a dataset that assigns responsibility for the operation of specific Indian Residential Schools to specific Roman Catholic entities for specific periods of time. Our primary source is an order to amend the title of proceedings related to a statement of claim against the Canadian government, Churches, and third parties. Nine courts across the…

  • Oblates’ Indian Residential Schools in Canada


    What’s here Background TRC’s list of Indian Residential Schools Our list of Oblates’ Indian Residential Schools Next steps Background A year ago, I set out to build an authoratative graph of Indian Residential Schools (IRS) in Canada – beginning with identifying their names, locations, religious affiliations, and dates of operation. As the demands of this…

  • Matching Canada’s lists to OIRS

    What’s here Background Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement Canada’s initial list of Indian Residential Schools Canada’s final list of Indian Residential Schools Recap Next steps Background Our initial dataset of Oblates’ Indian Residential Schools (oirs_2022-12-17-1) contains basic identifying information derived mainly from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). We want to anchor and enrich this dataset…

  • Integrating NCTR geodata into the OIRS_2022-12-19-1


    What’s here Background Geodata National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation x Recap Next steps Background So far our datasets provide only basic information (town/city, province/territory) about the location of Oblates’ Indian Residential Schools. We now want to draw upon two sources for more precise geolocation data. National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation One part of…

  • Graphs and TriG-Star


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    Technologies Resource Description Framework RDF 1.1 RDF 1.1 Turtle RDF 1.1 TriG RDF-star Turtle-star TriG-star Ontologies Records in Context Agreements Contracts Parties Legal Entity Identifier Legal Persons Judiciary Agents Government Entities Corporations Functional Entity Roles Relations Annotation Organization LODE: Linked Open Description of Events Turtle A Turtle document allows writing down an RDF graph in…

  • Sources for Indian Residential Schools


    Sources Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement Schedule E – Indian Residential Schools Schedule F Schedule x Schedule y AANDC Recognized Insitutions Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Final Report, Volume 4 Appendix 1.1 – Appendix 1.2 – Superior Court of Ontario Amended Statement of Claim () National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Authority Records Indian…

  • Visualizing the operation of Indian Residential Schools by Catholic entities


    We have published a dataset of Indian Residential Schools that were operated by Catholic entities in Canada. We now present different means of visualizing – and thereby highlighting – different aspects of the dataset using Data Driven Documents (D3), a set of free and open tools. Connecting Catholic entities and Indian Residential Schools Catholic entities…

  • Processing raw data extracted from an Authority Record’s view page


    The NCTR’s online archive lists its Authority Records in a series of web pages that includes links to view pages of these Authority Records. We extracted a good deal of data from the HTML code underlying these view pages. Unfortunately, these data required considerable processing. First, we needed to sort hundreds of values of different types…

  • Starting on OBLATES-LOD


    I’ve recently posted about the challenge of establishing basic facts about Indian Residential Schools (IRS) in Canada, e.g. How many were there? What were their names? When were they open? Who attended them? I’m convinced that Linked Open Data (LOD) and semantic web technologies will help us overcome this challenge. OBLATES-LOD applies these technologies to…

  • Indoor Air Quality Sensors in Boston Public Schools

    Indoor Air Quality Sensors in Boston Public Schools


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    Background In a previous post, we investigated the types of ventilation and air filtration systems used in local public schools in southeastern Ontario. In light of our findings, we have called on Medical Officers of Health to require District School Boards immediately to take additional measures to promote the health and safety of students and…

  • Air quality in Ontario schools

    Air quality in Ontario schools


    Background The Ontario government kicked off the new year by no longer requiring public schools and daycare centres to report cases of COVID-19 among students or staff members. With this decision, the government is now free of its early commitment to publish province-wide daily case reports from two organizations that play vital roles in the…

  • COVID-19 in public schools in Ontario: Fall 2021 vs Fall 2020


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    Introduction Since September 2020, Ontario’s Ministry of Education has published daily reports of COVID-19 in the province’s public schools. Two datasets are of the greatest interest: Schools with recent COVID-19 cases Summary of cases in schools For more on the relationship between these two datasets, and the mechanics of the Summary of cases in schools…

  • Public schools in Ontario 2021-22

    Public schools in Ontario 2021-22


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    With an eye to surveying cases of COVID-19 in the province’s public schools, we are publishing the Mainstream public schools in Ontario 2021-22 dataset. Data sources Our primary data sources are the provincial government’s Publicly-funded elementary and secondary schools in Ontario (November 2021) (the “Publicly-funded schools dataset”), the School information and student demographics (November 2021)…

  • Identifying Canada’s Indian Residential Schools: How hard could it be?


    Several weeks ago, I had an idea. I’d first need a definitive list of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools. How hard could it be to find it. Surprisingly. How time-consuming could it be to make it. Ridiculously. I’ve stopped short of a definitive list of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools, but I’m happy to share what I’ve…

  • Identifying Canada’s Indian Residential Schools


    Identifying Canada’s Indian Residential Schools was challenging for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and remains challenging for us today. The TRC recognized that the “Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) provides the most comprehensive listing of Canadian residential schools for Aboriginal people,” but also observed that “issues combine to complicate any attempt to list…

  • Canada’s Indian Residential Schools under the original IRSSA


    By our reckoning, the original Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) identified 131 Indian Residential Schools: Schedule E (Residential Schools) identified 107 Indian Residential Schools Schedule F (Additional Residential Schools) identified 24 Indian Residential Schools. We are publishing these 131 institutions, as they appeared in the original IRSSA, as a machine-readable, Tab-Separated-Value file, with these…

  • Applications and Canada’s decisions under Article 12 (March 28, 2013)


    We have seen that Canada issued periodic updates of its decisions regarding applications to add institutions to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) under Article 12. We are publishing data about 1,502 institutions from the last available update (March 28, 2013), as a machine-readable, Tab-Separated-Value file, with these data fields: Field Definition PREFERRED_NAME Preferred…

  • AANDC’s “Recognized Institutions”




    Applications and decisions We have seen that Canada issued periodic updates of its decisions regarding applications to add institutions to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) under Article 12. The last available update (March 28, 2013) concerns applications and Canada’s decisions regarding 1,502 institutions, which we analyze. Recognized institutions Canada also issued periodic updates…

  • AANDC’s “Recognized Institutions”


    By our reckoning, Canada identified (at some point, at least) a total of 146 institutions as Indian Residential Schools under the IRSSA: The original IRSSA listed 131 Indian Residential Schools Canada agreed to add 6 institutions under Article 12 Courts ordered Canada to add 4 institutions under Article 12 Canada added 5 institutions to one…

  • Canada’s Indian Residential Schools under the final IRSSA


    By our reckoning, the original Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) identified 131 Indian Residential Schools: Schedule E (Residential Schools) identified 107 Indian Residential Schools Schedule F (Additional Residential Schools) identified 24 Indian Residential Schools. Under Article 12 of the IRSSA, Canada agreed to recognize 6 additional institutions as Indian Residential Schools; courts ordered Canada…

  • TRC’s Indian Residential Schools


    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) commented extensively on the limitations and anomalies of Canada’s final list of Indian Residential Schools. The TRC used primary sources to overcome these difficulties as far as possible, and published two lists of its own: 143 Indian Residential Schools covered by the IRSSA 16 Indian Residential Schools not covered…

  • Wrapping-Up My Work on LTC Homes and Retirement Homes in Ontario


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    For the foreseeable future, I’m wrapping-up my work on Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes and Retirement Homes in Ontario. I’ve published four resources that I hope will prove helpful for researchers: Consolidated dataset of LTC Homes (May 9, 2020) Consolidated dataset of Retirement Homes (May 14, 2020) Index to Reports of Inspections Issued to LTC Homes…

  • An Index of Reports of Inspections Issued to Retirement Homes in Ontario (2012-2020)


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    On May 14, 2020, we released a consolidated database of 766 Retirement Homes in Ontario. Today we’re supplementing this database with an Index to Inspection Reports issued for these Retirement Homes between September 2012 and April 2020. Primary Source Our primary source was the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority website. Methods As noted in our May…

  • An Index to Inspection Reports Issued for LTC Homes in Ontario (2010-2020)


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    On May 9, 2020, we released a consolidated database of 626 Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes in Ontario, derived from information published by the provincial government. Today we’re supplementing this database with an Index to Inspection Reports issued for LTC Homes in the province between April 2010 and March 2020. Primary Source Our primary source was…

  • Consolidated Dataset of LTC Homes in Ontario


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    On May 7, 2020, we released a database of Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes in Ontario, derived from information published by the provincial government. We wanted to update the database and describe our primary sources, methods, and final results. Primary Sources Our first primary source was the Ontario government’s Ministry of Health Service Provider Locations (MOHSERLO)…

  • Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario – UPDATE


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    UPDATE: In the course of documenting my methodology for creating the database of licensed Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes in Ontario, I discovered that one of my software scripts had inadvertently skipped over entries for about 20 LTC Homes. I’ll post my methodology and the corrected database later today (May 11, 2020). I apologize for any…

  • COVID-19 in Long Term Care: Pursuing Transparency *and* Preserving Privacy

    COVID-19 in Long Term Care: Pursuing Transparency *and* Preserving Privacy


    Yesterday I credited the Ontario government with starting to include more detailed summaries of COVID-19 cases in Long Term Care homes in its daily updates. I also raised concerns about remaining gaps in the government’s reporting. I’ve been asked to explain one concern in particular: When the number of deaths among residents in a particular…

  • Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Fatal Cases in Southern Ontario

    Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Fatal Cases in Southern Ontario


    On March 30, 2020, the Ontario government enhanced its daily reporting of COVID-19 cases in the province. We summarized how these enhancements – especially the daily epidemiological summary – might address our critique of the government’s earlier reporting. Shortly after introducing its daily epidemiological summary, the Ontario government also began publishing daily updates of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the province.…

  • Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Cases in Southern Ontario

    Using Clusterpie Markers to Map COVID-19 Cases in Southern Ontario


    On March 30, 2020, the Ontario government enhanced its daily reporting of COVID-19 cases in the province. We summarized how these enhancements – especially the daily epidemiological summary – might address our critique of the government’s earlier reporting. Shortly after introducing its daily epidemiological summary, the Ontario government also began publishing daily updates of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the province.…

  • Spread of COVID-19 across Public Health Units in Southern Ontario (Feb 22 – Apr 6, 2020)

    Spread of COVID-19 across Public Health Units in Southern Ontario (Feb 22 – Apr 6, 2020)


    On March 30, 2020, the Ontario government enhanced its daily reporting of COVID-19 cases in the province. We summarized how these enhancements – especially the daily epidemiological summary – might address our critique of the government’s earlier reporting. Shortly after introducing its daily epidemiological summary, the Ontario government also began publishing case data of confirmed…

  • Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government Begins Moving Again

    Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government Begins Moving Again


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    Yesterday I shared some concerns about Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) efforts to inform the public about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the province. Today the MOHLTC began to address those concerns. The MOHLTC is now committing to provide a more detailed epidemiological summary of COVID-19 cases in the province every…

  • Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government is Falling Behind

    Information on COVID-19 Cases: Ontario Government is Falling Behind


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    The Ontario government’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) has been posting twice daily (at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.) updates on the status of COVID-19 cases in the province. The updates have included (1) a statistical summary of province-wide COVID-19 testing to date and (2) some basic information about new confirmed positive…

  • Lies, damned lies, and waitlist statistics

    Lies, damned lies, and waitlist statistics


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    The Government of Ontario is rightly in the soup for having justified (if not designed) its utter disruption of the province’s services for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder on the basis of a single, apparently known-to-be-inflated statistic (23,000 kids sitting on a waitlist). The sad irony is that service providers have long been exaggerating…

  • Ontario’s “super health agency” must be open

    Ontario’s “super health agency” must be open


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    Yesterday, The Star reported that the Ontario government is considering a plan to consolidate more than twenty healthcare agencies into one “super agency”. The goal would be improving the integration of health services while trimming a bloated bureaucracy. One of the agencies under review is Health Quality Ontario (HQO). Recently, I expressed concern about HQO’s…